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How Does SteelTailor CNC Fiber Laser Cutting Machine Work?
CNC Fiber laser cutting machine works principle: it is to increase an energy detection device in the back-end laser generator, and compared the signal with the theoretical value. Forming a negative feedback through a closed-loop optical transmission laser power control system to achieve precise control purposes laser energy output optical fiber laser cutting pulse energy output in real-time online monitoring, the instability of the laser pulse output energy control in ± 2 %. The stability of output energy is an important parameter for ultra-short CNC fiber laser cutting machine.
CNC Fiber laser power generator by the fiber laser pump source, couplers, rare earth doped fiber, and other components constituting the resonant cavity. Pump source is one or more high-power laser diode array of pumping its light emitted by a special pump structure coupled into rare earth doped fiber as the gain medium, the pump wavelength photons are absorbed by the doped fiber media form population inversion, stimulated emission of light by the mirrors of the resonator and the oscillation feedback form laser output. Fiber lasers with fiber as a wave guide medium, high coupling efficiency, easy to form a high power density, cooling effect, without the huge refrigeration system with high conversion efficiency, low threshold, beam quality and narrow line width and other advantages. Moreover, Fiber laser power generator without optical lenses, with adjustment-free, maintenance-free, high stability advantages; long working life and maintenance-free time, the average maintenance time in more than 100,000 hours.
Pump light emitted by the pump source by the side mirror coupled into the gain medium, since the gain medium is a rare earth doped optical fiber, thus pumping light is absorbed, absorbed photon energy level transitions of rare earth ions and achieve population inversion, particle reversed through a resonant cavity, the transition from the excited state to the ground state, energy is released, and the formation of a stable laser output.
What’s the working principle of laser cutting machine
Put the self-governed CNC laser cutting machine in the arm set, by the movement of arm set front and back to make the fiber laser cutting head move at length ways, by the movement of arm set left and right to make the laser head move at breadth wise. The arm set is controlled by the box set, and all of them is controlled by the computer control system. CNC Fiber laser cutting machine works principle as follow:
Peak power:
Pulsed CNC laser cutting generator, as the name implies, it sends out laser pulses which single pulse duration is 10 ns (nanoseconds), is referred to as a single pulse,or a single pulse duration. I It is represented symbolically by t. CNC fiber laser cutting generator sends out a series of screams in short pulses, for example, one second issue 10 pulses, or some on the issue of a pulse. In this case, we say that the pulse repetition period (frequency) ratio of the former to 10, which is 1, then a second issue 10 pulse, its pulse repetition period of 0.1 seconds, and 1 second to issue a pulse, so , the pulse repeated frequency is 1 second, it's a symbolic by T.
If the energy of a single pulse is E, then E / T is called the average power of the laser pulsed, which is average of the pulse period. For example, E = 50 mJ (mill joules), T = 0.1 seconds, average power P average = 50 mJ / 0.1 s = 500 mW. If E is divided by t, the output power of the laser that is within this period of time, generally referred to as the peak power (peak power), for example, in the previous example, E = 50 mJ, t = 10 ns, P peak = 50 × 10 ^ (- 3) / [10 × 10 ^ (- 9)] = 5 × 10 ^ 6 W = 5 MW (megawatts), the pulse width t will be small, there is a large peak power.
Pulse energy E = 1mj pulse repetition frequency 20-80K t = 100ns pulse duration T = 1s / 2k =? Sec Average power P = E / T = 0.001J / 0.00005s = 20W P peak power = E / t
CNC Fiber Laser Classification:
CNC laser cutting machine by wavelength can be divided into visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, multi-wavelength tunable current industrial infrared and ultraviolet laser. Such as CO2 laser cutting machine 10.64um infrared laser, krypton lamp-pumped YAG CNC laser cutting machine 1.064um infrared laser, a xenon lamp-pumped YAG laser cutting machine 1.064um infrared laser, the semiconductor side / end-pumped laser 1.064um infrared laser.