This article is from SteelTailor blog:
FABTECH Chicago expo have 35 years history.The first FABTECH expo was held in 1981. 2015 FABTECH Chicago expo is the 21th exhibition.
Is the exhibitors of FABTECH expo becoming larger and larger?The answer is yes.
- In the 1981 FABTECH expo was held in Cleveland,Ohio with only 161 exhibitors covering 42,925 net square feet.
- In 1985 FABTECH expo,the net square feet and number of attendees nearly double after just two shows.
- In 1987 FABTECH expo gains national recognition as the North America’s largest show with 106,770 net square feet and 293 exhibitors
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- In 2011 FABTECH expo,there are more than 1,300 exhibitors including metal forming, fabricating, welding and cutting industry.
- In 2014 FABTECH expo,there are 1,477 exhibitors attended.
From the history we can see the FABTECH expo surely becoming larger and larger. It benefit both attendees and exhibitors.
SteelTailor is an old exhibitor. SteelTailor have exhibited FABTECH expo for 7 times.
In 2015 FABTECH Chicago expo,SteelTailor take new product G3 gantry cutting machine to our customers.
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