This article is from SteelTailor blog:
The first FABTECH expo was held in 1981 debuted in Cleveland.FABTECH expo have 35 years history.Is the exhibitors satisfied with FABTECH Chicago expo attendees?
“FABTECH is a very important show for us. We share with our clients a and’s on experience with the latest technology. In today’s Internet-based world, tradeshows may seem expensive. However, we track our results and clearly the benefits of exhibiting far exceed our show expenses.” One exhibitor said.
“FABTECH is a very important part of our marketing strategy every year. It’s where we can reach new customers, reinforce our brand and our strategy with existing customers and it’s also a great way to see how we are lining up against our competition.”Another exhibitor said.
“In our industry, there is no other place like FABTECH where we can meet thousands of customers in such a condensed amount of time, so it’s very efficient for us.” The third exhibitor said.
Is there anyone unsatisfied with FABTECH expo? Let us search it on
From the result we can see that no unsatisfied comment about FABTECH expo.
We can see that all the exhibitors are satisfied with FABTECH Chicago expo. Let us look forward to 2015 FABTECH Chicago expo.
SteelTailor is also satisfied with FABTECH Chicago expo. In 2015 FABTECH Chicago expo,SteelTailor bring the new product SteelTailor G3 gantry cutting machine to our customers.
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