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Table plasma cutting machine is used in many factory to cut metals. How to avoid table plasma cutting machine cutting defects?
- Table plasma cutting machine along the rounded corners.It is caused by the plasma arc heat of the top surface. Reasonable control of the height of CNC cutting machine torch can minimize or eliminate the rounded corners.Serious upper fillet usually indicates that the cutting torch height needs to be reduced.
- Plasma cutting machine upper margin slag. CNC cutting machine upper edge of slag is caused by the rapid cutting or the cutting torch is too high. Slowing down cutting machine cutting speed or reducing the cutting torch can reduce the upper edge of the slag.
- CNC cutting machine bottom slag.The molten metal may accumulate at the bottom of the plate. The faster cutting speed is, the less amount of slag is at the bottom.If the bottom slage is easy to remove,the cutting speed is slow;If the slag is difficult to remove, the cutting speed is too fast.
- Table plasma cutting machine cut incision.We should set the cut incision according to cnc plasma cutting machine parameters. The width of the cut is related to cutting nozzle and the cutting current. In addition, the higher of plasma cutting machine cutting torch, the bigger width of the incision.
- CNC plasma cutting machine cutting bevel.High definition plasma cutting machine cutting bevel is 0-3 degrees. Normal plasma cutting machine has bigger butting bevel. Correct and reasonable control of cutting torch height can minimize the size of cutting bevel,while also improving the width of the incision and the edge of the edge and rounded corners.In the tangential or tangential angle, a slower cutting speed can be used to reduce the bevel angle