This article is from SteelTailor blog:
What service can SteelFAB Exhibition 2016 exhibitors get ?SteelFAB exhibition designers will help you to design the stand for you.
Expo Design is a full-fledged exhibition booth design and construction department. Capturing the essence of your brand, highly skilled and experienced designers can custom make your stands to help you create a powerful, arresting exhibit at the show.
Technical services offered ensures that your participation is a hassle-free, seamless process, where all your exhibiting related needs are met in-house. A team of professionals in different fields, including communications, electrical, lighting, sound, visual displays and carpentry is available to service your requests.
Exhibitors can choose above expos ,SteelFAB will design the stand for you!
SteelTailor is one the of old exhibitors.The hall No. is 3-1500.SteelTailor G3 gantry cutting machine and IDMLASER CLAYA V-1325 fiber laser cutting machine will be shown to visitors.
CLAYA V-1325 fiber laser cutting machine cutting video: