table plasma cutting machine
This article is from SteelTailor blog:
CNC table plasma cutting machine match plasma power source than start cutting.A plasma cutter is expensive. So make good maintenance of plasma cutting machine is very important.
So table plasma cutting machine should be properly used when cutting, and the most important is the maintenance of the torch. CNC plasma cutting machine cutting torch is easily damaged.How to extent life of plasma cutting machine cutting torch?
1.When CNC table plasma cutting machine electrode is replaced,the metal nozzle pressure cap need to pressed properly.
2.CNC plasma cutting machine cutting conductive connection is loose.Water Leakage tracheal rupture interface will shorten its service life.So plasma cutting machine torch should be regularly checked;
3.If ceramic protective sleeve on CNC table plasma cutting machine cutting torch is damaged, should be replaced in time.
4.Too much water in CNC plasma cutting machine compressed air will damage plasma cutting machine torch.Installation of 1-2 filter will make the water less, which can protect the torch.
5.CNC plasma cutting machine water-cooled torch is better than gas cooled torch.Gas cooled torch current carrying capacity is small.
6.When plasma cutting machine electrode is damage, should be changed in time.
So CNC table plasma cutting machine cutting torch should be made good maintenance.
SteelTailor LegendB5II CNC table plasma cutting machine is an CNC plasma cutting machine with marking function. It is powerful and economical!