
What damage table plasma cutting machine cutting torches?

table plasma cutting machine
This article is from SteelTailor blog:https://www.steeltailor.com/blog/damage-table-plasma-cutting-machine-cutting-torches/
Table plasma cutting machine cutting torches can be damaged easily. Why? CNC cutting machine cutting torch is very important. It decides the cutting quality.
  1. Table plasma cutting machine cutting torch is crashed.
  2. Plasma cutting torch is damaged by bad plasma arc.
  3. The CNC plasma cutting machine bad plasma arc can be caused by bad consumables.So we should often check plasma cutter consumables.
  4. CNC cutting machine bad plasma arc can be caused by dirty on the cutting torch. Keep clean on the torches is necessary.
  5. Table plasma cutting machine bad plasma arc is caused by loose parts on the cutting torch. Before cutting ,we should check all CNC cutting machine parts at first.
SteelTailor table plasma cutting machine 

