This article is from SteelTailor blog:
I’m Leo,Marketing manager of SteelTailor. Just now I finished SmartII maquina de corte portatil CNC promotion web in Columbia and other google ads. I have a pain in Spanish. When I’m checking the effect of google ADwords, a good thing happened. It begins with search “CNC cutting machine” in google.
“CNC cutting machine” google ranking dropped to page two since SteelTailor website is changed. It is so bad for SteelTailor. In big surprise,I find a ad titled” Steeltailor,China leader supplier”.I havenot do this kind of ad. China is so big, SteelTailor doesn't dare to be the leader.Other company said SteelTailor is China leader supplier for us instead. It is so big surprise.
At first, I thought the browser is bad, and I changed into firefox. The ad is the same. Changed into “Steeltailor -",China Leader Supplier. Support Oem, Best Price,Contact!”
Fine,other company made a joke with SteelTailor. They made a low mistake. It is bad for a marketer but not a joke. I just want to say the second “t” should be”T”.
SteelTailor doesn’t dare to be portable CNC cutting machine leader.Try the best to do it!