- Honeybee CNC cutting machine infringe SteelTailor
This article is from SteelTailor blog:http://www.steeltailor.com/blog/honeybee-cnc-cutting-machine-infringe-steeltailor-on-alibaba/
Honeybee CNC cutting machine infringe SteelTailor on Alibaba.There are so many fakes on Alibaba. SteelTailor one of the injured company.
SteelTailor got out from Alibaba in 2012 because there isn’t any good inquiry on it.So many fakes make SteelTailor choose other B2B plate form.When SteelTailor exit from Alibaba. Other company infringe SteelTailor on Alibaba for so many years until now including Honeybee CNC cutting machine.
SteelTailor have complained for so many times. Honeybee CNC cutting machine and other company ignored it . SteelTailor need to complain all the company which often infringe SteelTailor on Alibaba.