This article is from SteelTailor blog;
Honeybee CNC cutting machine have infringe SteelTailor for so many times. Why Honeybee CNC cutting machine Infringe SteelTailor?
SteelTailor is the world leader of portable CNC cutting machine. Honeybee CNC cutting machine need to explore their oversea market. So Honeybee use SteelTailor brand to sale. Honeybee CNC cutting machine infringe SteelTailor since 2012 when SteelTailor give up alibaba.
Now Honeybee CNC cutting machine is still Infringe SteelTailor on
- Honeybee CNC cutting machine infringe SteelTailor
SteelTailor tell Honeybee don’t Infringe SteelTailor anymore. If Honeybee still Infringe SteelTailor. We will tell all the world customer that Honeybee CNC cutting machine always Infringe SteelTailor CNC cutting machine.
Honeybee CNC cutting machine Infringe SteelTailor yotube video: