This article is from SteelTailor blog:
Some people don’t know when and how to get the FABTECH 2015 Chicago expo badges.You must get your FABTECH 2015 badges.Then you can go to FABTECH 2015 Chicago exhibition.
You need to register FABTECH 2015 Chicago expo website. FABTECH 2015 exhibition website will sent you an email confirmation .With this email confirmation, you can to go the the Express Registration to pick up your badges.
You need to register FABTECH 2015 Chicago expo website before Nov.6th .If later, you need to pay $50 to register. So do it now ,you don’t need to pay for anything and also don’t need to waite in line at the show as well.
SteelTailor G3 gantry cutting machine will be shown at C1530.It is an amazing gantry cutting machine!
More FABTECH 2015 Chicago expo FAQs:
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