This article is from SteelTailor blog:
- Operator incorrect operation of table CNC plasma cutting machine.Incorrect operation will cause CNC plasma cutting machine to crash or wander.When plasma cutting machine cutting, please don’t press other button.
- Table CNC plasma cutting machine system is not stable.Some CNC plasma cutting machine manufacturer reduce the cost without the technical support. So plasma cutting machine system is in poor quality.
- The interference is very strong outside table CNC plasma cutting machine factory.A lot of equipment will produce a large number of electromagnetic pulse interference in CNC table plasma cutting machine factory.Such as a variety of welding machine, CNC plasma cutting machine.The interference directly into table plasma cutting machine system.So it affect CNC table plasma cutting machine CNC cutting system.CNC cutting machine must be placed away from various interference sources more than 10m.
- Table CNC plasma cutting machine system anti-interference ability is poor.CNC plasma cutting machine should keep away from other cutting system if it’s anti-interference ability is poor.
SteelTailor LegendB5II table CNC plasma cutting machine is an powerful table plasma cutting machine.